Quality Construction & Remodeling  Derby Deck Co.

MORE About Us

I'd like to tell you a little about my company and the services I provide. I've always been a very hands on person; from tinkering with cars to playing guitar. I have a firm belief that taking on a project such as new construction or a remodel is a strong combination of skill, knowledge, the right tools and a good understanding of design. I'm not only am a fully licensed contractor but hold degrees in both Business Management and Design/Art. I have years of hands on experience and when needed, use only qualified sub-contractors that I have personally vetted and have proven themselves in the field.

The Right Way

When it comes to any project there's right way and a wrong way. With the right tools and knowledge the job can be completed in a quality manor for about the same cost as cheating yourself with the "cheap way out". Why risk hiring a fly by night "contractor" who's job may have to be redone anyway? If you want a truly professional finish and a truly professional Licensed and Insured contractor give me a call. I offer free estimates and will more than gladly give you an honest opinion on your next project.